lgpio C
lgpio Python
rgpio C
rgpio Python
Site Map
ExamplesThe following examples show various ways lg may be used to communicate with sensors via the GPIO.
Although many are complete programs they are intended to be a starting point in producing your own code, not an end point.
C lgpio
Python lgpio
C rgpio
Python rgpio
rgs shell
C lgpio
Examples of C lgpio programs.
C lgpio programs may be run on any Linux computer. The programs allow control of the local GPIO.
If your program is called foobar.c then build with
gcc -Wall -o foobar foobar.c -llgpio
28BYJ_48 2020-11-21 | Simple code to spin a 28BYJ_48 stepper clockwise then counterclockwise.
./28BYJ_48 [chip] gpio1 gpio2 gpio3 gpio4
| GPIO Toggle 2020-11-18 | A crude benchmark of how many toggles a second can be completed.
| gpiochip Info 2020-11-18 | Prints gpiochip information and line information for each GPIO.
| DHT11/22/XX 2020-11-18 | Reads the DHT series of temperature and humidity sensors. The sensor type is autodetected.
| ADS1x15 ADC (.h) 2021-01-17 | ADS1x15 header file.
| ADS1x15 ADC 2021-01-17 | ADS1015 (12-bit) and ADS1115 (16-bit) ADC functions. The ALERT/RDY
pin is fully supported.
| MCP3008 ADC (.h) 2021-01-09 | MCP3008 header file.
| MCP3008 ADC 2021-01-09 | MCP3008 ADC functions.
| MCP4131 Digital Pot (.h) 2021-01-09 | MCP4131 header file.
| MCP4131 Digital Pot 2021-01-09 | MCP4131 digital pot functions.
| Monitor GPIO 2020-11-20 | Monitors one or more GPIO as specified on the command line.
./monitor [chip:]gpio ...
chip specifies a gpiochip number. gpio is a GPIO in the previous gpiochip (gpiochip0 if there is no previous gpiochip).
./monitor 23 24 25 # chip0: 23,24,25
./monitor 0:23 1:0 5 # chip0: 23, chip1: 0,5
| NRF24 Radio Transceiver 2020-12-30 | Script to transmit and receive messages using the nRF24L01 radio transceiver.
| Rotary Encoder 2020-11-20 | Code to monitor a rotary encoder and show the detent changes.
./rotary_encoder [chip] gpioA gpioB
./rotary_encoder 20 21 # gpiochip 0, gpioA 20, gpioB 21
./rotary_encoder 2 7 5 # gpiochip 2, gpioA 7, gpioB 5
| Sonar Ranger 2020-11-20 | Code to find the distance between a sonar ranger and the nearest object. The code assumes the sonar ranger is the type with separate trigger and echo lines.
./sonar_ranger [chip] trigger echo
./sonar_ranger 20 21 # gpiochip 0, trigger 20, echo 21
./sonar_ranger 2 7 5 # gpiochip 2, trigger 7, echo 5
| Tx Pulse 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the tx pulse function.
| Tx Wave 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the tx wave function.
Python lgpio
Examples of Python lgpio module scripts.
lgpio Python scripts may be run on any Linux computer with Python installed. The scripts allow control of the local GPIO.
28BYJ_48 2020-11-21 | Simple code to spin a 28BYJ_48 stepper clockwise then counterclockwise.
./28BYJ_48.py [chip] gpio1 gpio2 gpio3 gpio4
| GPIO Toggle 2020-11-18 | A crude benchmark of how many toggles a second can be completed.
| gpiochip Info 2020-11-18 | Prints gpiochip information and line information for each GPIO.
| DHT11/22/XX 2020-12-01 | Reads the DHT series of temperature and humidity sensors. The sensor type is autodetected.
| Errors 2020-11-18 | Checks that the correct errors are reported when erroneous parameters are used. The checks are limited in scope to those that can be detected without having any hardware connected.
| ADS1x15 ADC 2021-01-17 | ADS1015 (12-bit) and ADS1115 (16-bit) ADC functions. The ALERT/RDY
pin is fully supported.
| MCP3008 ADC 2021-01-09 | MCP3008 ADC functions.
| MCP4131 Digital Pot 2021-01-09 | MCP4131 digital pot functions.
| Monitor GPIO 2021-01-11 | Monitors one or more GPIO as specified on the command line.
./monitor.py [chip:]gpio ...
chip specifies a gpiochip number. gpio is a GPIO in the previous gpiochip (gpiochip0 if there is no previous gpiochip).
./monitor.py 23 24 25 # chip0: 23,24,25
./monitor.py 0:23 1:0 5 # chip0: 23, chip1: 0,5
| Motor Sync 2020-11-30 | A class to send synchronised outputs to output devices. Unipolar steppers and servos are specifically supported. PWM is supported. An adhoc method allows for setting the levels of one or more GPIO at set times.
The following steps are required.
1. sync = motor_sync.sync(sbc)
2. call one or more setup_() functions to define the devices and the GPIO to use.
3. call setup_complete() when all devices have been allocated.
4. add waypoints for each device to be moved in the next period.
5. call batch() to start transmission.
6. wait until batching() is False (all movements calculated).
7. If more movements are desired repeat from step 4.
8. wait till busy() is False (all movements completed).
9. call finish() to release resources.
| NRF24 Radio Transceiver 2020-12-22 | Script to transmit and receive messages using the nRF24L01 radio transceiver.
| Rotary Encoder 2020-11-18 | Code to monitor a rotary encoder and show the detent changes.
./rotary_encoder.py [chip] gpioA gpioB
./rotary_encoder.py 20 21 # gpiochip 0, gpioA 20, gpioB 21
./rotary_encoder.py 2 7 5 # gpiochip 2, gpioA 7, gpioB 5
| Sonar Ranger 2020-11-20 | Code to find the distance between a sonar ranger and the nearest object. The code assumes the sonar ranger is the type with separate trigger and echo lines.
./sonar_ranger.py [chip] trigger echo
./sonar_ranger.py 20 21 # gpiochip 0, trigger 20, echo 21
./sonar_ranger.py 2 7 5 # gpiochip 2, trigger 7, echo 5
| Testbed 2020-12-31 | Exercises SPI, I2C, and serial links with miscellaneous hardware.
| Tx Pulse 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the tx pulse function.
| Tx Wave 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the tx wave function.
C rgpio
Examples of C rgpio programs.
C rgpio programs may be run on any Linux computer. The programs allow control of the GPIO on one or more networked Linux SBCs.
Each SBC needs the rgpiod daemon to be running. The rgpiod daemon may be started with the command rgpiod &.
If your program is called foobar.c then build with
gcc -Wall -o foobar foobar.c -lrgpio
28BYJ_48 2020-11-21 | Simple code to spin a 28BYJ_48 stepper clockwise then counterclockwise.
./28BYJ_48 [chip] gpio1 gpio2 gpio3 gpio4
| GPIO Toggle 2020-11-18 | A crude benchmark of how many toggles a second can be completed.
| gpiochip Info 2020-11-18 | Prints gpiochip information and line information for each GPIO.
| DHT11/22/XX 2020-11-18 | Reads the DHT series of temperature and humidity sensors. The sensor type is autodetected.
| DS18B20 2020-11-18 | Reads any DS18B20 temperature sensors connected to the 1-wire bus. It demonstrates the remote file read abilities of the daemon.
| Errors 2020-11-18 | Checks that the correct errors are reported when erroneous parameters are used. The checks are limited in scope to those that can be detected without having any hardware connected.
| Files 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the remote file handling features of the daemon.
| ADS1x15 ADC (.h) 2021-01-17 | ADS1x15 header file.
| ADS1x15 ADC 2021-01-17 | ADS1015 (12-bit) and ADS1115 (16-bit) ADC functions. The ALERT/RDY
pin is fully supported.
| MCP3008 ADC (.h) 2021-01-09 | MCP3008 header file.
| MCP3008 ADC 2021-01-09 | MCP3008 ADC functions.
| MCP4131 Digital Pot (.h) 2021-01-09 | MCP4131 header file.
| MCP4131 Digital Pot 2021-01-09 | MCP4131 digital pot functions.
| Monitor GPIO 2020-11-18 | Monitors one or more GPIO as specified on the command line.
./monitor [chip:]gpio ...
chip specifies a gpiochip number. gpio is a GPIO in the previous gpiochip (gpiochip0 if there is no previous gpiochip).
./monitor 23 24 25 # chip0: 23,24,25
./monitor 0:23 1:0 5 # chip0: 23, chip1: 0,5
| NRF24 Radio Transceiver 2020-12-30 | Script to transmit and receive messages using the nRF24L01 radio transceiver.
| Rotary Encoder 2020-11-18 | Code to monitor a rotary encoder and show the detent changes.
./rotary_encoder [chip] gpioA gpioB
./rotary_encoder 20 21 # gpiochip 0, gpioA 20, gpioB 21
./rotary_encoder 2 7 5 # gpiochip 2, gpioA 7, gpioB 5
| Sonar Ranger 2020-11-20 | Code to find the distance between a sonar ranger and the nearest object. The code assumes the sonar ranger is the type with separate trigger and echo lines.
./sonar_ranger [chip] trigger echo
./sonar_ranger 20 21 # gpiochip 0, trigger 20, echo 21
./sonar_ranger 2 7 5 # gpiochip 2, trigger 7, echo 5
| Tx Pulse 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the tx pulse function.
| Tx Wave 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the tx wave function.
Python rgpio
Examples of Python rgpio module scripts.
The rgpio Python module may be run on any computer with Python installed. The scripts allow control of the GPIO on one or more networked Linux SBCs.
The computer need not be Linux, it may run Windows, Mac, etc, anything as long as it supports Python.
Each SBC needs the rgpiod daemon to be running. The rgpiod daemon may be started with the command rgpiod &.
28BYJ_48 2020-11-21 | Simple code to spin a 28BYJ_48 stepper clockwise then counterclockwise.
./28BYJ_48.py [chip] gpio1 gpio2 gpio3 gpio4
| GPIO Toggle 2020-11-18 | A crude benchmark of how many toggles a second can be completed.
| gpiochip Info 2020-11-18 | Prints gpiochip information and line information for each GPIO.
| DHT11/22/XX 2020-11-18 | Reads the DHT series of temperature and humidity sensors. The sensor type is autodetected.
| DS18B20 2020-11-18 | Reads any DS18B20 temperature sensors connected to the 1-wire bus. It demonstrates the remote file read abilities of the daemon.
| Errors 2020-11-18 | Checks that the correct errors are reported when erroneous parameters are used. The checks are limited in scope to those that can be detected without having any hardware connected.
| Files 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the remote file handling features of the daemon.
| ADS1x15 ADC 2021-01-17 | ADS1015 (12-bit) and ADS1115 (16-bit) ADC functions. The ALERT/RDY
pin is fully supported.
| MCP3008 ADC 2021-01-09 | MCP3008 ADC functions.
| MCP4131 Digital Pot 2021-01-09 | MCP4131 digital pot functions.
| Monitor GPIO 2021-01-11 | Monitors one or more GPIO as specified on the command line.
./monitor.py [chip:]gpio ...
chip specifies a gpiochip number. gpio is a GPIO in the previous gpiochip (gpiochip0 if there is no previous gpiochip).
./monitor.py 23 24 25 # chip0: 23,24,25
./monitor.py 0:23 1:0 5 # chip0: 23, chip1: 0,5
| Motor Sync 2020-11-30 | A class to send synchronised outputs to output devices. Unipolar steppers and servos are specifically supported. PWM is supported. An adhoc method allows for setting the levels of one or more GPIO at set times.
The following steps are required.
1. sync = motor_sync.sync(sbc)
2. call one or more setup_() functions to define the devices and the GPIO to use.
3. call setup_complete() when all devices have been allocated.
4. add waypoints for each device to be moved in the next period.
5. call batch() to start transmission.
6. wait until batching() is False (all movements calculated).
7. If more movements are desired repeat from step 4.
8. wait till busy() is False (all movements completed).
9. call finish() to release resources.
| NRF24 Radio Transceiver 2020-12-22 | Script to transmit and receive messages using the nRF24L01 radio transceiver.
| Rotary Encoder 2020-11-18 | Code to monitor a rotary encoder and show the detent changes.
./rotary_encoder.py [chip] gpioA gpioB
./rotary_encoder.py 20 21 # gpiochip 0, gpioA 20, gpioB 21
./rotary_encoder.py 2 7 5 # gpiochip 2, gpioA 7, gpioB 5
| Sonar Ranger 2020-11-20 | Code to find the distance between a sonar ranger and the nearest object. The code assumes the sonar ranger is the type with separate trigger and echo lines.
./sonar_ranger.py [chip] trigger echo
./sonar_ranger.py 20 21 # gpiochip 0, trigger 20, echo 21
./sonar_ranger.py 2 7 5 # gpiochip 2, trigger 7, echo 5
| Testbed 2020-12-31 | Exercises SPI, I2C, and serial links with miscellaneous hardware.
| Tx Pulse 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the tx pulse function.
| Tx Wave 2020-11-18 | Demonstrates usage of the tx wave function.
rgs command line
gpiochip Info 2021-01-03 | Prints gpiochip information and line information for each GPIO.